If you think you may have asbestos contamination in your home, you need to get it tested as soon as possible. If you think loose-fill asbestos could be the substance that was used when your home was built, you need to get it tested for it even sooner.
This is due to the dangers of loose-fill asbestos and its ability to get into the air much easier than a more traditional type of asbestos filling. So much so, it can escape from the smallest spaces.
Why is loose-fill asbestos testing so important? -- This is due to loose-fill asbestos being quite dangerous, especially if it does escape from where it was once placed.
Just the smallest fiber of loose-fill asbestos can escape into a room and can be inhaled by you or by another occupant. This sliver of asbestos can then stick in your lungs and, over time, cause breathing problems. In some cases, it has even be known to cause lung cancer.
How is loose-fill asbestos testing done? -- Testing for loose-fill asbestos is done in a similar way to other asbestos testing.
A technician will be sent to your property where he will take samples of any material you think may be loose-fill asbestos. This will be done by wetting the material first to make sure that dust is not released from it.
He will then take a small sample of the material and put it into a glass or plastic vial. He will then seal the material with a paint or a glue, so that none of it can escape into the air.
The material will then be taken to a lab for testing, with the results usually being available within 24 to 48 hours. You can get even faster results if you pay a small extra fee. For more info click on loose-fill asbestos testing.
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